Learn about the rack inspection process
To enable us to quote you will need to provide us with a rough estimate of your storage capacity i.e. the total pallet capacity of all the racking. You can do this via our online form using the 'Request a quote' button below. Our experience then allows us to estimate from this the time involved and thus the cost. It's important therefore to get this infomation correct. If you have any concerns or are unclear how to calculate this then please give us a call or email us and we will guide you through the process. You may even want to email us some photographs which are often very useful.
Following receipt of your rack inspection enquiry form we will email you a fixed price rack inspection quote. This will usually be the same day.
If you are happy to proceed with the quote than simply drop us an email and we will contatct you to agree a convenient date.
The length of time to complete a rack inspection varies according to a number of factors such as age & general condition of the racks but we will give an indication when confirmaing the booking.
Preparation for a racking inspection.
You must ensure thet all the racks are acessible. We don't need you to empty the racks but it is vital that we can get at all the racking and see both the front and rear uprights, footplates, and floor fixings. To facilitate this pallets should be clear of the uprights. Remember if we cannot see it we cannot inspect it and it will be excluded from the inspection.
We won't need any of your time during the inspection. We will report to our designated contact and ensure that all the necessary site safety procedures are in place, then just leave it to us. We will simply need to meet with a 'responsible person' at the end of the rack inspection to discuss any important issues found. If serious issues are noted we may need to issue a 'Red risk notice' which ensures that you are formally made aware of serious problems and immediate actions required prior to the inspector leaving site.
The rack inspection report.
Following the inspection we will prepare the rack inspection report at our offices and email it to you as soon as possible. Our aim is for you to receive the report the next working day.
The rack inspection report comprises two parts, the damage report and the inspection report.
Content of the rack damage report
The damage report provides a detailed location by location record of any damage or significant issues found.
The report starts with an introduction explaining the SEMA damage codes and a clear explanation of how the report should be interpreted. It must always be read in conjunction with the Inspection Report which will be emailed to you at the same time.
The damage report then goes on to itemise all damage found by location graded according to the SEMA damage recording codes which are clearly defined in the introduction. The inspection covers all the key componets for the system based on a rack inspection checklist typically comprising uprights, footplates and floor fixings, frame bracing, beams, beam connectors, beam locking pins, row spacers and rack protection along with any other ancillary items as dictated by the particular application or system.
The damage report also includes summaries of damage by both SEMA damage codes and component type.
Content of the rack inspection report
The rack inspection report gives a thorough explanation of the basis for the inspection and recording criteria. It then goes on to discuss is detail the specific issues identified during the inspection and offers practical help and guidance. The report also includes appendices which cover the various SEMA guidelines referred to in the report.
Action following the rack inspection.
It is vital the the report is read immediately on receipt and all recommended actions completed as directed. Serious issues will have been covered on site during the inspection in the 'Red Risk Notice' but the report will contain clear instructions as to what further actions are required and by timescale. Failure to complete any recommended actions could render you liable in the event of a component failure or accident. Do remember that it is your responsibility to ensure that your racking is installed and maintained in accordance with the manufacturers instructions and according SEMA guidelines.
We are always happy to assit if you have any problems in interpreting the report and help is always just a phone call away.
Don't forget that when carrying out repairs you must only use manufacturer approved componets, fitted in accordance with the manufactureres instructions. Furthermore you must also ensure that those carrying out any repair or maintenance work are suitable qualified and competent. The safest way to do this is to use SEIRS registered installers. This ensures that the work is carried out by professionals, that you can verify the installers qualifications, and that the work is carried out in accordance with the SEMA codes of practice.
Regular inspections
It is important to ensure that your racking isregularly inspected and maintained in safe working order. Rack inspections are required at least annually as defined by HSG76. These inspections should be by a technically competent person. The HSE recognises the SEMA approved rack Inspection (SARI) qualification so using Pallet Rack Inspections ensures that you meet this requirement.
You should also carry out your own weekly internal inspections. Contact us for more guidance on conducting your internal rack inspections.